We are the Experienced Choice…
My Personal Gardener is a full service, Atlanta landscape company. We have been in business for almost 20 years and we operate primarily in the Buckhead, Northside, Vinings and Sandy Springs neighborhoods of Atlanta. Our supervisors are English-speaking, experienced and knowledgeable people. They are responsible for the day-to-day management of your property. All of our supervisors have been involved in Atlanta landscaping for over 10 years.
Landscape Maintenance
The foundation of our business is landscape maintenance – being on-property regularly to handle general horticulture tasks like pruning, insect and weed control, and basic tasks like mowing, edging and blowing. We stay on schedule with seasonal tasks like important winter pruning for Roses, pre-emptive treatments for Lace Bugs, White Flies and Leaf Miners, and cleaning the build up of leaves and debris from the crowns of plants.
Boxwood Specialists
Boxwoods are the foundation of the southern landscape. We hand prune to keep the outer canopy loose and open to allow air flow and sunlight through the plant. In addition, we sterilize our pruners to prevent the spread of disease. Boxwoods are highly susceptible to various diseases, some of which are fatal and highly contagious, so we take great care to make sure the disease is not spread from one plant to another.
Phased Renovations
This is how we create a valuable, legacy landscape. We assess the hidden value in your landscape, identify the high value plants and bring them back to specimen condition. Through triage pruning and proper care we focus on saving and rejuvenating valuable Camellias, Japanese Maples, Native Azaleas, Rhododendrons and more. At maturity, many of these plants are irreplaceable, so we craft a plan to save them.
Organic Maintenance
We can provide a range of organic solutions for all of your horticulture and landscape needs. We can help you weigh the benefits, costs and trade-offs of going organic. We have clients that are 100% organic, others that only avoid the worst environmental offenders, and many others somewhere along the spectrum. On all properties, we are extremely conscious of the impact of chemicals, even those deemed “organic”, may have on our environment and we use them judiciously.
Hand Pruning
We still practice the art of hand pruning. We know how to prune and when to prune. As important, we know when not to prune. With care and proper pruning, Boxwoods, Camellias and other staples of the Atlanta landscape will thrive for many decades, getting better each year and becoming an irreplaceable part of your landscape. We have years of experience pruning plants of all shapes and sizes, including Boxwoods, where we employ important techniques to avoid the spread of disease.
Convenience Services
We know homes… the outs and the ins of homes. If there is something that will make it easier for you to manage your home, chances are we do it. We replace hard-to-reach light bulbs, reset timers, pressure wash, deliver firewood, manage secondary contractors for plumbing, electrical, and more (interior and exterior). Of course, we are heavily insured and perform extensive background checks on all our people.
The often-overlooked first step in new landscapes, or even landscape additions, is the environment. Unfortunately, some plants only grow in sun, and some others only grow in shade. Ignoring this reality is like trying to make water flow up hill. Our plans and recommendations are based on your specific conditions – sun or shade; low and soggy or high and dry; high traffic or low traffic. These are the most important factors in developing a high performing landscape.
Irrigation Repairs
There is a problematic disconnect between the people who install irrigation systems and the people who care for the landscape. As a general rule, irrigation companies know little about plants and therefore, little about how to best water them. They take a one-size-fits-all approach that is the lowest cost of entry, but extremely inefficient in operating expense. We can repair your irrigation system and bring it back to as-built, and since we also know plants, trees and grasses we can also reconfigure your system to water more efficiently.
Need Help with your Landscape? Contact Us Now
Roses can be pink
Camellias can too
With neither a nod or a wink
These Camellias bloom on cue
Camellias are one of the few plants that flower in the dead of winter. They are frequently damaged with gas shears because they are often mistakenly identified as a Ligustrum or Laurel. Slow-growing Camellias generally don't require heavy pruning, but light structural pruning is important to keep them healthy. They are also susceptible to insects, a harmful blight, canker disease and several other maladies so its important to monitor their health.

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